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block week coincidence d9U

block week coincidence d9U

during days 181-208 this month (d9 U01-28) ,

blockday White coincides with weekday Sunday .

and so forth:

it's a great occasion for users to become familiar with blockdays and the Uniform Calendar.


forthcoming dates of blockday White coinciding with weekday Sunday:

#UniformCalendar #ICAS #AATICAS #calendar #fireflydecade

for more information

block daygroup (table of uniform daygroups, aatideas.org web calendars)

Delphastus decade 12010–12019 (d0–d9) (AAT ICAS 3110 ✧ decadeInsect term set)

Echinopla decade 12020–12029 (e0–e9) (AAT ICAS 3110 ✧ decadeInsect term set)

Frontalis decade 12030–12039 (f0–f9) revision forthcoming (AAT ICAS 3110 ✧ decadeInsect term set)

Uniform Calendar (AAT ICAS 2010 ✧ overview of key standards)

12018 dstampUC

12019 dstampUC

12020 dstampUC

12021 dstampUC

12022 dstampUC

12023 dstampUC

12024 dstampUC

12025 dstampUC

12026 dstampUC

12027 dstampUC

12028 dstampUC

12029 dstampUC

the decade 12030-39 (f0-f9) will be designated in a forthcoming AAT ICAS revision, the Frontalis decade or the firefly decade with reference to the firefly species Photuris Frontalis.

12030 dstampUC

12031 dstampUC

12032 dstampUC


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mission, terms of use, privacy, e quality guarantee, search, contact AAT.

aatideas.org web page updated:
UCN 12019 U01 White ✦ day 181 ✦ IDC zone(UT) t548 tt958
2019 day 181 ✦ t548
AD 2019 June 30 Sunday ✦ SMH UT 13:10:30
